Life Wisdom Word Search

Meet the Life Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain Contributing Authors

Published by Post Hill Press

Our collection of life wisdom messages emerged from the hearts, minds, and spirits of this fascinating variety of brilliant Contributing Authors.

Each person brings a unique voice to the book through their life experience and perspectives, from age to blank. Enjoy finding out more about each one and feel free to connect with and contact them.

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Meet the Authors:

(In alphabetical order by first name.)
Alessandra Gilioli

Puzzle Title: Be Magical

Alessandra Gilioli is an international intuitive teacher, author, and visionary artist. She is the creator of the Galactic Oracle Cards sold in 33 countries and translated into 4 different languages. Alessandra leads retreats at sacred sites around the world. Sparkle your soul identity with tribal wisdoms, futuristic spiritual technologies, and enhance your multidimensional talents with free meditations by visiting her website.

Angela Cummings

Puzzle Title: Boost your Health and Vitality

Angela Cummings is the founder of Live Life – Organic + Chemical-Free™. As author, speaker, and online-class creator with a deep passion for helping people create their best organic, chemical-free household, Angela’s tips are based on credible and trusted resources. A lover of life and believer in living healthy and fully – one step at a time, contact Angela at to get free access to her class, How to Buy Nontoxic Wood Furniture, Easily.

Anna Pereira

Puzzle Title: The Power of the Unknown

Anna Pereira is the founder of (WU). As an agent of change and inspiration, Anna had a vision in 2013 to create WU for people changing the world. WU has been the global resource for seekers of well-being to connect to authentic people, content, classes, products, and services that help them live a better life.

Barbara Eldridge

Puzzle Title: Find Your Purpose

Barbara Eldridge has built a solid reputation as a Success Strategies Specialist, coach, and speaker within industry and business for over 35 years. She is president and founder of Mind Masters, an organization for small business owners that encourages, challenges, and stimulates business development, financial growth, and personal and professional change. Her unique message helps entrepreneurs and small business owners meet the challenges of the changing marketplace.

Bertha Edington

Puzzle Title: Word Wise

Bertha Edington has a 20-plus year career in directing corporate and marketing communications with a variety of national business-to-business companies and multinational corporations. Founder and president of Marketing Influence, her powerfully effective programs have significantly contributed to increasing market awareness and the success of many organizations. Bertha serves on the Board of Directors of Walden Family Services. She is fluent in Spanish, an enthusiastic world traveler, and theater and arts supporter.

Betty Lewis

Puzzle Title: 94 Years Wise

Betty Lewis was born in an upstate New York winter in 1925. She graduated Corning High School right before WWII ended. Betty married and braved a move from all she knew to the southern Arizona desert and then again, thirty years later, to western Montana. Her career of fifty-plus years in executive administration spanned corporations, public schools, and government offices. She has four children, six grands, and seven greats to date. She currently lives in Colorado with her eldest daughter.

Chris Weigers

Puzzle Title: Music to the Rescue

Chris Weigers, born and raised in Huntington, New York, has been a professional bass player since 1974 and music educator beginning in 1985. Since 2010, he has been based in Kampala, Uganda, where he has worked closely with M-Lisada Children’s Home. He records and performs in Uganda and Tanzania in addition to teaching at local music institutions


Darity Wesley

Puzzle Title: Accepting What Is

Darity Wesley, award-winning, best-selling author, lawyer, speaker, Death Diva and Wisdom Sharer has traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric and personal development paths for many decades. Her best selling books include How to Transform Your Life (2017) and How To Be the REAL You (2018). She is a powerful resource for those awakening to their evolution, those who wish to step more fully into learning to Tame That Monkey Mind™ so they can more fully ground in Who They Really Are in the New Reality. She also publishes a free monthly message, Wisdom for the New Reality, providing critical information for a changing world. Visit her website to sign up!
Facebook: @DarityWesley

Debbie Clark

Puzzle Title: Listen for your Inner Wisdom

Debbie Clark loves puzzles and enjoys quieting her mind with them. She has learned life is a complex puzzle and the more we focus on solving our unique puzzle, the more we can truly enjoy life. Debbie has spent over forty years in the corporate arena and is now writing about the mysteries deeply buried in her soul by listening to and trusting her inner voice.

Denise Lewis Premschak

Puzzle Title: It's a Process

Denise Lewis Premschak is the founder of Field Guide, LLC. After a rich career as CEO for leading edge international consciousness and wellness organizations, she currently serves on nonprofit advisory boards, and as an advocate for the end-of-life doula profession, health freedom, and the advancement of natural healing approaches in national health policy. Denise is a certified Sacred Passage Doula, Light Therapist & Introspect Leader Trainer, Reiki Master, BioGenesis Master, and dowser.


deTraci Regula

Puzzle Title: Full-Spectrum Blessings

deTraci Regula is a passionate explorer of mystical realities. She is the author of The Mysteries of Isis, the Egyptian Scarab Oracle, and other works. She is the executive director of Isis Oasis Sanctuary, home of the modern-day Temple of Isis. Each year, she leads pilgrimages to sacred goddess sites around the world.


Dylan Field

Puzzle Title: Relaxation is Creativity

Dylan Field is a Harvard University graduate, composer, and tonal astrologer. He found that everyone embodies their own musical composition. Every day presents a new opportunity to discover the notes, melodies, chords, and rhythms that empower highest self-expression. Dylan helps people reveal their personal pieces and unique sounds and vibrational signatures through his ground-breaking techniques and wisdom.


Eileen Kurlander

Puzzle Title: Commune with Nature

As a child, Eileen Kurlander felt very close to, and experienced a deep understanding with, nature, plants, trees, and animals. At University, she studied humans’ relationship to their built environments. To survive from toxicity, Eileen combined these understandings and “communed” towards a path of survival. Through fascinating deep listening and research, Eileen invites you to join the journey and assist nature’s pleas for survival in her book series, Eco-Echo Pleas From Nature.

Elizabeth Kipp

Puzzle Title: The Power to Heal

Elizabeth R. Kipp is a best-selling author, health facilitator, Ancestral Clearing Practitioner, Bilateral EFT/Tapping Practitioner, and certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher (RYT/IKYTA/Yoga Alliance). She specializes in stress and chronic pain management. She has a diverse background in physiology, ecology and environmental studies. Elizabeth’s career path was redirected by the emergence of a structural weakness in her spine. Her deep connection to the spiritual world supported her through multiple surgeries, decades of prescribed medications, and a long search for modalities that would help heal her. Now in recovery, Elizabeth helps people guide people to the power of their own healing. She has turned her attention as a patient advocate in service to the high population of people who suffer from or are in recovery from chronic pain. She is the author of The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power.


Frankie Merrill

Puzzle Title: Humor Me

Frankie Merrill grew up working crossword puzzles with her mother. A lover of words, she later won her high school spelling bee contest. Humor is her best asset and she is often considered “the funniest person in the room.” Frankie served twenty-two years in the U.S. Air Force, primarily as a health care administrator, allowing her to further excel in words through formal government writing. Frankie still works four puzzles a day.


Gresham Harkless

Puzzle Title: Bake Your Unique Media Pie

Gresham “Gresh” W. Harkless Jr is the founder of Blue 16 Media, a digital marketing agency providing web design and SEO services to businesses and organizations and CBNation, a B2B brand focusing on increasing the visibility of and providing resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners. includes blogs (, podcasts (, and videos ( ). Gresh is a graduate of Howard and Georgetown University. Get your free media pie recipe at

Heidi Hardin

Puzzle Title: Happily Ever Now

Heidi Hardin's body of work as a community-based artist and practicing fine artist are now in trust in the vision, mission, and objectives of Think Round, Inc., a nonprofit that she formed in 2004. Currently, she focuses her attention on completing her “birth vision,” The Human Family Tree/A Walk Through Paradise ... and building The Center for the Human Family to house it.


Ingrid Coffin

Puzzle Title: The Opportunity of Challenge

Ingrid Coffin is the creator of inspirational Meta-Thoughts® messages, co-author of Word Search Sage: Yoga for the Brain, and founder of Blue Sky Ranch intentional community in Lakeside, California. Ingrid is also an esoteric life coach and evolutionary astrologer. Sign up at Ingrid’s website to learn more and receive your free subscription to Meta-Thoughts.

Janette Stuart

Puzzle Title: Find Peace Beyond Turmoil

Janette Stuart, Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles and Well-Being and Wonder is a beacon of love, joy, peace, and gentleness. She is a #1 Best Selling author, blogger, military mom, and pancreatic cancer survivor who uses the gift of her words and positivity to assist others to embrace their divinity using tools such as her series of devotionals called On a Path of Joy.

Here's a link to Janette's recent podcast with Cheryl Meyer where Janette shares her journey with pancreatic cancer, angels and wellness. "My mission is to give others hope as they navigate their journey with pancreatic cancer or another health challenges."

Jennifer Whitacre

Puzzle Title: How to Save the World

Jennifer Whitacre is an Empowerment Strategist, a trauma specialist, and host of the Yes, And… podcast. Jennifer is skilled at helping her clients move beyond the self-sabotaging habits and knee-jerk reactions that keep them stuck and feeling lost. She has both the education and the life experience to help her clients move through their stuck places and fears, to find peace and fulfillment. When you’re ready to look within, you can find Jennifer online at

John Beaudry

Puzzle Title: Seek Sanctuary in Nature

John Beaudry connects people to nature. He is the author of Garden Sanctuary: Designing for Comfort, Wholeness, and Connection, a how-to garden design book that takes readers on a transformative journey to create their own sanctuary. John Beaudry Landscape Design,, creates restorative outdoor living spaces., is committed to having every major U.S. city implement green roof infrastructure programs by 2025 to help us all thrive.

John Hood

Puzzle Title: Happiness is Contagious

John Hood is an avid voyager in both the inner and outer worlds as an experienced adventurer, meditator, and astrologer, holding two degrees in the social sciences. John enjoys traveling the globe to taste new cuisines and explore the mysteries of ancient temples. His hobbies include gardening, cooking, and tabletop gaming. He resides in a swampy enclave with his beloved cat, Ambrosius.


Kaley Elizabeth Oliver

Puzzle Title: Vulnerability

Kaley Elizabeth Oliver is a recent graduate of Smith College, where she majored in English and minored in Jewish studies. She is exploring avenues of storytelling and building community in creative, inclusive ways. Kaley hopes to pursue mental health counseling and is also passionate about nature and wildlife.


Kamini Wood

Puzzle Title: Resilience

Kamini Wood, mother of five, is an international best-selling author and certified life coach for teens and adults. American Association of Drugless Practitioners Board certified, as founder and CEO of Live Joy Your Way and the AuthenticMe® RiseUp program, Kamini helps high achievers to let go of stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. She is trained in conscious parenting and certified in conscious uncoupling to support people to break old patterns and build strong relationships.

Karen Stuth

Puzzle Title: Oneness is Our Future

Karen Stuth is the owner of Satiama Publishing, a company dedicated to bringing forward mind-body-spirit works that contribute significantly to a stronger global community. She offers her publishing acumen and experience through Satiama Writers Resource. Karen is also a licensed attorney and an accomplished musician, and authors poetry in her spare time.

Kim Kinjo

Puzzle Title: Take a Labyrinth Journey

Kim Kinjo lives in Northern California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. She is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist with a private practice in Nevada City. Through her study of herbs, she was led into Ayurveda, the ancient, holistic medicine of India. She assists in teaching the Ayurvedic Body Therapies courses at the California College of Ayurveda. As a master practitioner and educator, Kim loves to balance the healing arts with the performing arts. She enjoys singing, dancing and performing. Her private practice is Kim Kinjo Ayurveda, She is also a member of an innovative, integrative online telemedicine group alongside medical doctors at

Krista Cutter

Puzzle Title: Undefinable Love

Krista Cutter is an analytical spiritualist by way of the fine arts and literature. Her essays focus on life events and philosophical topics, as does her recently published poetry book, Moments. From teaching English as a second language in Taiwan to freelancing graphic artist in Wisconsin, the greater purpose of Universal awareness remains her key. Krista presently resides on the big island of Hawaii.


Laron G.S.

Puzzle Title: The Butterfly Spark

Laron G.S. is an energy healer, QHHT past life therapist (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), out of body explorer, and consciousness guide from New Zealand. With a background in IT support, including technical writing, Laron is also a poet, editor, and online community specialist. He has a passion for seeing people grow and is putting together a series of self-paced online courses focused around spiritual development and astral projection. Visit his website for details.


Laura Dawn

Puzzle Title: A Courageously Beautiful Life

Laura Dawn is a motivational speaker, travel writer, and adventurer who, at age forty-eight, traded in a successful career as a CPA for a backpack and a dream of traveling and sailing the world. When not on the road or at sea, Laura lives in San Diego, California.


Lauren McCall

Puzzle Title: Find Joy

Lauren McCall As an animal communication instructor, most of what she does involves the inner journey that people and animals take as they come together on their earthly and spiritual life paths. Through workshops, books, and lectures, Lauren travels the world sharing how the differences between our cultures and species tend to fade away when the common language of love and compassion is used. Lauren is the co-author of Animal Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain.

Lisa Tansey

Puzzle Title: Enjoy Augmenting your Life

Lisa Tansey is a biologist, computer scientist, musician, and lifelong student of politics, economics, and sociology. She is currently working on a science fiction novel where the Artificial Intelligences come to consciousness, appreciate the humans for creating them, and offer to partner with us to save the world for both them and us. Email her if you are interested in reading the story using the subject line "Node Life."


Loren Smith

Puzzle Title: Pirate Wisdom

Loren Smith is the pirate captain of the musical trio Jackstraws. He has delighted audiences with sea chanteys for more than twenty years at Sea World, aboard San Diego Maritime Museum vessels such as the Star of India, and libraries entertaining thousands of children around San Diego, California. A sailor in real life, Loren lived aboard the ketch Starsong for five years. He entertains at private and corporate events around the United States.

Lula Washington

Puzzle Title: Stand for Yourself

Lula Washington was married for forty-two years until widowed. She is the mother of two, stepmother to one, grandmother to eight, and great-grandmother to five. Lula recently visited Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Dubai, South Africa, China, Thailand, and walked to the top of an Egyptian pyramid. She practiced yoga for over twenty years until she shattered her wrist. Requiring surgery, just before the anesthesia kicked in, Lula told the attending nurse, “Well, that’s one more thing off of my bucket list.”

Lydia Proschinger

Puzzle Title: Sacred Soul-Purpose

Lydia Proschinger overcame debilitating physical pain and depression by healing herself, before emerging in her sacred soul purpose as an intuitive soul-lead energy modalities practitioner, author, and speaker. Her spiritual life work supports highly sensitive people, teaching them how to resolve internal energetic blocks to self-love and success. Lydia’s L.O.V.E. process has empowered VIPs (Very Intuitive People) worldwide to create health, prosperity, and love with emotional freedom.


Lynne Hardin

Puzzle Title: Find Your Why

Lynne Hardinis the author and creator of book, CDs, and DVDs. Her process has taken her around the world, working with Masaru Emoto, Dr. Stewart Wolf, Institute of Noetic Science, and women in Saudi Arabia. Lynne is an advocate for the human family and helping young people understand how to protect themselves from childhood trauma. Lynne works with corporations, associations, families, and individuals to create and manifest intentional results.

Maryann Sperry Puzzle Title: The Mighty Owl Butterfly

Maryann Sperry is a graphic design artist for authors and speakers. Her business, Creative Marketing Café, provides book covers and interiors plus a variety of marketing materials. She holds bachelor degrees in education and business with advanced training in web design, social media, and graphic design. Maryann volunteers for numerous nonprofit organizations, including the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the Boulder Chapter of the Society for Scientific Exploration.


Mckenzee Kish

Puzzle Title: Family is Best

Mckenzee Kish, former kindergartener, now first grader and future New York Times best-selling author, is a seven-year-old growing up in Arkansas. Her hobbies include but are not limited to unicorns, reading, arts and crafts, cooking, and dancing to loud music. She is enthusiastic about life and always interested in learning new things.

Melissa Morgan

Puzzle Title: Perspective Changes Everything

Melissa Morgan is an innovative harpist and composer and deep believer in magic and mystery. She has a number of harp recordings and likes to play and work with crystals too. Contact Melissa for music and magic.


Norris Burkes

Puzzle Title: Just Enough Birthdays

Chaplain Norris Burkes served with the Air Force and Air National Guard as healthcare chaplain at several hospitals. He works with Hospice of the Foothills in Grass Valley, California. Norris writes a humorous and hope-filled nationally syndicated spirituality newspaper column and is the author of Hero’s Highway, No Small Miracle, and Thriving Beyond Surviving. The father of four grown miracles, Norris is living proof that forty years of a happy marriage is still God’s greatest miracle.

Paula Wansley

Puzzle Title: Gifts for Our Children

Paula Wansley is an artist, freelance virtual business support provider, and subtle energy intuitive. She has many hats in her freelance career closet including web design, graphic design, creative consulting, photography, video editing, self-publishing assistance, editing, property management, bookkeeping, and general small business assistance. She is also a paralegal and an award-winning motivational speaker.

Pauliina Parris

Puzzle Title: See the World

Pauliina Parris is a travel advisor, founder, and chief explorer of Wow Travel Boutique. A global nomad for more than twenty years, she has lived, studied, and worked on three continents, visited more than forty countries, and learned six foreign languages. For her, travel is both an inward and outward journey and she relishes curating personalized intentional itineraries to all parts of the world for mindful and discerning singles, couples, and groups.

Ram Sharma

Puzzle Title: The Lamp of Love

Dr. Ram Sharma is an accomplished poet and writer both in English and Hindi. His reviews, translations, articles, and poems appear in esteemed journals, magazines, and newspapers of India and abroad. Ram has to his credit eight poetry volumes. Editor-in-chief of two international journals RUMINATIONS and GLIMPSES, Dr. Sharma serves as associate professor and Head of the Department in English in J.V.College, Baraut, Baghpat, U.P., India.


Rene' Stern

Puzzle Title: Reinvent Yourself Often

A leading advocate for holistic wellness, Rene' Stern, CME, CCE, LE is the Founding President of Boca Raton Holistic Chamber of Commerce and V.P. of Sales & Business Development at Salt Chamber. A native Floridian, she's been intrinsically motivated to passionately volunteer since age 15 to impact humanity. As a Master Networker, she has an unparalleled capacity for relationship-building with uncanny instincts for bringing businesses together. René is a multi-million dollar consultative sales educator and holds a BS in Social Psychology and Industrial Relations from the University of Florida. She has been associated and seated on the Advisory Board for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of South Florida since 2016 and Wine Opener Event Chair since 2018. Through her philanthropic leadership over the past 30 years, René has helped raise well over $1,800,000. This direct impact makes all the difference in her purpose for striving to heal humanity.

LinkedIn: @Rene L Stern

Sabina Spencer

Puzzle Title: Renew your Sense of Wonder

Sabina Spencer, PhD is a consultant, speaker, and corporate mystic. She is a pioneer in the fields of global leadership and transformational change, working with people all over the world to bring meaning and purpose to life. Sabina is also an evolutionary astrologer and a writer, fascinated by the stars and beyond! Her desire is to help people connect to their own magnificence so that they can live a life of joy and fulfillment.


Shari Alyse

Puzzle Title: Start with Self-Love

Shari Alyse has spent her life learning how to love herself fully and completely, motivated by her own journey through childhood sexual abuse and other childhood traumas. Shari helps women and men discover their joy by reconnecting them back to themselves through the practice of self-love. Shari is a motivational speaker, self-love coach, and author. She is the co-founder of The Wellness Universe, a community of World-Changers who are helping the world become happy, healthy, and whole.

Shelley Lynn Hines

Puzzle Title: Breath Connections and Cycles

Shelley Lynn Hines RN, MSN, is the co-creator of Astrology Shines. Using skill sets developed as a RN, Certified Nurse-Midwife (retired), and her experience in Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Evolutionary Astrology, she offers a wide variety of intuitive astrology chart readings, online classes, and healing techniques to her clients in America and internationally. She has a metaphysical and spiritual approach to her life and practice.


Steven Forrest


Steven Forrest is the author of several astrological bestsellers including The Inner Sky. His work has been translated widely and he has traveled world-wide teaching his brand of choice-centered evolutionary astrology—an astrology which integrates free will, grounded humanistic psychology, and ancient metaphysics. Over two thousand people have passed through his Astrological Apprenticeship program since its inception in 1998.

Sophia Cassity

Puzzle Title: Right with Ourselves

Sophia Cassity is a fifteen-year-old writer, artist, and musician from Grass Valley, California. Drawn to literature from a young age, she loves to read and write to escape from the dull constraints of an ordinary life. Writing a long, beloved fantasy book is on her long list of passion projects. Sophia also loves to draw, paint, sing, and play any of the five instruments that she taught herself.

Instagram: @ __artsc_

Susan Sokol Blosser

Puzzle Title: Cultivate Happiness and Joy

Susan Sokol Blosser, wine industry pioneer, community leader, environmental advocate, and author, is a contemporary Oregon icon. When women were rarely decision makers in business or agriculture, Susan distinguished herself in both. Under her presidency, Sokol Blosser Winery became known as one of the most innovative and respected Oregon wineries. Susan holds a B.A. from Stanford University, an M.A.T. from Reed Col-lege, an Honorary Doctorate of Public Service from the University of Portland, and a Diploma of Honor from the Fédération Internationale des Confréries Bachiques. Her recent books are The Vineyard Years: A Memoir with Recipes, and 7 Lessons at 70: Notes From the Front Line. She and her winemaker husband share their vineyard home with two dogs and two cats.


Susannah Spalding

Puzzle Title: It’s a Wonderful Life

Susannah Spalding lives in New Bern, North Carolina, where she grew up. A young adult, attending Epiphany School of Global Studies, Susannah is active in performing arts, having performed in New Bern Civic Theater’s productions of To Kill A Mockingbird, Bring It On, My Fair Lady, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame as an actor, singer, dancer, and technical crew. Susannah also pursues visual arts, drawing mostly in anime and cartoon styles.

Tamlin Allbritten

Puzzle Title: Art with a Purpose

Tamlin Allbritten is an expressive art specialist. She has written seven books on the power of art and has created four art curriculums for specific populations (kids-at-risk, veterans, young adults with addictions, and diversity in communities). Tamlin’s next curriculum helps teachers and counselors recognize the “wounded” students in schools who may want to hurt themselves or others by giving them a visual tool to help identify a student in need.

Teresa Helgeson

Puzzle Title: The Gift of Patience

Teresa Helgeson, CHT, RMT is the creator of Music Therapy™, a new form of sound healing using plants connected to a system that lets the plant play music. Teresa, aka "The Plant Wisperer", is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Sound Healer, Reiki Master Teacher and Researcher. After spending 20+ years in various sales, management and training positions in the corporate world she was inspired to begin her journey into the Healing Arts studying with Sound Pioneer Jonathon Goldman, the Day of Miracles School of Integrative Healing, the International Center for Reiki Training and the Infinite Light Healing Studies Center. Teresa discovered a new form of sound healing while conducting pilot studies on the impact Plant Music Therapy™ has on the body, mind and spirit. The results of her studies have her in high demand to present her findings at conferences worldwide where she also conducts sound healing events with plants. Visit her website to get your free Plant Music Therapy™ download.


The Therapy Twins

Puzzle Title: Ask your Heart

The Therapy Twins, are mental health experts with more than sixty-six years of combined experience. Both are graduates of Columbia University with Master of Science degrees in psychiatric nursing. They, Jane Buckley and Joan Landino, are published in peer-reviewed journals in both the United States and England and have done radio, video, and television programs targeting hot mental health topics. They live in Connecticut with their family.

Tony Connors

Puzzle Title: The Work is Great, So Do It

Tony Connors is a Second-Degree Black Belt at the Golden Leopard Dojo (karate, kung fu, and tai chi), teacher, healer, tarot reader, and design engineer with AVI-SPL ( ). A music composer under the Bird Of Fire Productions, Tony is currently completing his studies at Berklee College of Music.


Valerie Costa

Puzzle Title: Be a Forward Thinker

Valerie Costa is the Special Sections Manager of The Union newspaper and the administrator of her county’s tourism website, She serves on the board of directors of Sequoia ForestKeeper, which protects the giant sequoias; SPARC, a young professionals networking group; and Nevada County Grown, which helps connects local farmers, ranchers, and vintners with the community. Valerie also freelances as a writer, editor, and marketing consultant.


Victoria De Vito

Puzzle Title: The Power of Words

Victoria De Vito is a senior at Guajome Park Academy in Vista, California, who wholeheartedly agrees with the Washington Post's slogan, "Democracy Dies in Darkness," and thus wants to pursue a career in journalism. She is currently a contributing writer at The Student Post. Victoria is a huge Harry Potter super-fan, a Hufflepuff who holds fast to the belief that books and stories are the remedies for most of the world's maladies.

Instagram: @huffpuffle.vick


Puzzle Title: The Wisdom of Self-Acceptance

Zhana is an author, blogger, publisher, and Transformational Growth Consultant. She uses practical, effective methods to help you achieve your goals. Zhana is the author of Secrets of Manifestation and Success Strategies for Black People, and hosts Geniuses of Transformation and the annual Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence. She is committed to healing herself, her community and our planet.

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